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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

SCHOOL: Wingfield Road, Coleshill, Birmingham B46 3LL
HEAD OFFICE: Birmingham Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust (
BDMAT Central Office, Christ Church, Church of England Secondary Academy, Daleview Road, Yardley Wood, Birmingham, England, B14 4HN
Registered in England & Wales - Company No: 10729883
Please contact Mrs Holt if you need a paper copy of any information on the website (free of charge).

[email protected]

01675 463672 - Mrs Holt

Coleshill C of E Primary School

Inspiring our children to flourish and enjoy 'Life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)

Please contact us by email on [email protected] if you have any questions.

Welcome to our Nursery!

  About us

  Speech & language

  Nursery staff

  Ofsted reports

  Session times & fees

  Free sessions

  Make an enquiry


  Photo gallery



   Nursery virtual tour - Ladybirds (2&3 year olds)

   Nursery virtual tour - Butterflies (pre-school)


Applying for a 30 hours funded nursery place

Please note, if you wish to claim 30 hours funding through HMRC, please do so the term before you wish to start. Claims cannot be accepted after the termly deadline issued by the Department for Education.


Applying for a school place

A place at Nursery is not a guarantee of a place in the Reception class at school.
More information is available online at or call 01926 742037.

Important information: Please read our fees policy and terms and conditions.