Worship activities
Church of England, Birmingham DioceseWithin their "Faith at Home" page the following useful links can be found: |
Diocese of St AlbansThe school team is publishing weekly worship at home activities for families.
Collective worshipYou can join in with Faith at Home - the Oak National Academy's weekly collective worship sessions, led by Church of England’s schools and in partnership with those of other faith traditions. Suitable for those of all faiths and none. |
Bible storiesWhen we have worship in class, the teacher and children will share a Bible story from their illustrated class Bible. You might like to share these stories with your child at home.
The story of the Good Samaritan can be found on the DLTK Bible website and here is a video of the story from The Beginners Bible.
Journey into EasterReflections through art on the events of Holy Week. "Faith at Home" Lent assembly
SongsPlease see below links to some of our favourite songs. Your child may be able to show you the actions to go with the song!
'The Ascension' |
Online worshipIf you would like to watch or stream services from Coleshill Parish Church (10.30am on Sundays and at 12 noon on Wednesdays), you can visit their Facebook account: @coleshillparish
Click here to visit the Coleshill Parish Church website.
AssembliesYou can still watch the inaugural assembly on the Oak National Academy, featuring a message of hope from the Archbishop of Canterbury. |
Prayer activitiesYou may like to use the following prayer activities as a starting point for reflection and spending some quiet, thoughtful time with your children. |